It is important for each and every individual to update his/her ‘Health Awareness Quotient’ so as to become more informed about one’s personal health.
This is the need of the hour.
Kindly spare a few moments and READ the following .
Here are the names of a few diseases –
Hypertension, Obesity, Stress, Depression, Arthritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hair problems, Skin ailments, Acidity, Indigestion, Infertility, Menstrual irregularities.
Now try answering these Questions :
Q 1 Do you find any similarity in these diseases?
Q 2 Are you suffering from any one of these?
Q 3 Were these diseases as prevalent about a decade or two back as they are today ?
Q 4 What will be the status of these diseases about a decade from now?
Are you able to get the answers? Well, these are the answers which I got.
A 1 All these can, today, be categorized under ‘Lifestyle diseases’ i.e., our lifestyle plays a vital role in initiating all these.
A 2 This varies with individuals.
A3 No, not a single disease was as prevalent as today. Today, even the younger generation is suffering from many of these.
A 4 If the existing ignorance continues, we will find that even the school going kids of that decade would complain about these problems.
This situation can be clearly avoided. As we all are aware that prevention is always better than cure so we should all take a step forward towards the former.
Take hold of today to get a better tomorrow.

Cool article.