Know yourself

Self knowledge is the DNA of self enlightenment. No two persons exhibit the same behaviour. Each one is unique. One person could be physically overactive while the other prefers watching television or reading books Members of the same family have the same type of...


‘JIN JI DU LI’ – A SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE EXERCISE This is a popular exercise in China and I’m taking up this topic for people who haven’t yet heard of this simple and yet effective exercise that can positively impact the next few decades of your life.  ‘Jin Ji Du Li’...

Green blood-wheat grass juice

Wheat grass juice – Green blood Wheatgrass is considered as the elixir of life. Intake of wheat grass juice is almost like a blood transfusion. It is a wonderful cleanser and rejuvenator which means it detoxifies the body and helps it replace old dead cells with...

Care in winters

How to increase immunity in Winters Winter is the season when nature is ready to nurture us. Our body is compact, stiff, has maximum strength & a normal resistance in winters. Our body is in a state of balance/equilibrium & unless provoked by rash eating &...

Stop these anti-depressants…

Stop these anti-depressants….instead….imbibe in a natural escape mode to deal with… …..STRESS and DEPRESSION Depression is rapidly increasing in the developed and developing countries. Unfortunately, as per WHO studies, India ranks the top as...

Did u know?

Did u know these simple facts? • Water has the best soothing effect. • Wine is best to dispel fatigue. • Milk is the best energizer. • Honey is best to alleviate Kapha. • Butter is best to alleviate Pitta. • Sesame oil is best to alleviate Vata. • Fomentation is best...