Tips to avoid hangovers 

The key to avoid hangover is to provide the body with adequate vitamins to help the liver and the nervous system to combat the ill effects of alcohol. 

  • Relax. The more you are stress-free, the better it is.
  • Adequate rest and proper sleep in the daytime is essential before the party at night.
  • Avoid junk food and non-vegetarian meals so as to avoid saturated fats.
  • Proper meals rich in proteins and carbohydrates are a must.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetable juices should be taken. Natural vitamins, proteins and fructose diminish the alcoholic effects.
  • Citrus fruits and lime juice helps.
  • Fruits like oranges, grapes, apples, banana, kiwi should be taken in the day. Kiwis are rich in proteins.
  • Banana shake/smoothies, apple shake in breakfast the next morning helps.
  • Amla(Embelica officinalis) has lots of Vitamin-C and all the other required essential minerals. Chyawanprasha has amla as the main ingredient so it can be taken. Amla murabba and fresh amla juice are also good options.
  • Sports drink like ‘Gatorade’ is good.
  • Milk helps protect the digestive tract from the alcoholic ill-effects.
  • Buttermilk can also be taken.
  • Proper hydration during your drinks slows down the ill effects in lots of ways. So drink lots of water in between the drinks.
  • High carb snacks after drinks are helpful.
  • At least an hour gap is needed after your last drink and sleep as it helps in metabolizing the intake.
  • As alcohol disturbs the blood sugar levels thus it is advisable to avoid sugar with drinks.
  • There are a few herbs like Ashwagandha( Withania somnifera), Aloevera, Brahmi( Bacopa monnieri) which are supposed to be good replenishing herbs.
  • It is good to have egg-sandwich made of whole grain bread, honey,

So if you are normally following a healthy routine then the hangover prevention is not a big deal but if you are following a hap-hazardous lifestyle, then you are definitely going to require vitamin pills and painkillers as usual.

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Avoid Hangover
Some tips to avoid hangover. The key to avoid hangover is to provide the body with adequate vitamins to help the liver and the nervous system to combat the ill effects of alcohol. 
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