Ayurveda simplified

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE TIPS Ayurveda has a concealed simplicity within its complexities. The early chapters of Ayurveda texts include ‘SWASTHVRIT’ which means ‘healthy lifestyle’ wherein the very basic norms of health are laid down. Firstly, it asks everyone to create...

Combating Dengue

Dengue is caused by mosquito-bite and it occurs in two forms • Dengue fever • Dengue haemorrhagic fever MOSQUITO Aedes aegypti. Breeds in fresh and stagnated water. It bites during daytime. VIRUS Flavivirus INCUBATION PERIOD 2-7 days after bite of infected mosquito....

A thought for Health

HEALTH AWARENESS It is important for each and every individual to update his/her ‘Health Awareness Quotient’ so as to become more informed  about one’s personal health. This is the need of the hour. Kindly spare a few moments and READ the following ....